Let us help you! Our process is simple.
We’ll start by obtaining information about your home
You’ll answer simple questions about how long you’ve owned the home, its condition, its estimated value, and how much you owe on it. We can discuss these things over the phone or in person.
After that, we do all of the work.
If your home sounds like something we might be interested in, we’ll come see it in person. At this point, we will have a better idea of what we can do with your home. Typically, we have two options:
- Buy your home and market/sell it right away
- Buy your home, renovate it, and then market/sell it
Either way, you sell your home fast, handling all of the paperwork and communications for you.
Sell Your Texas Home Fast
What you don’t have to worry about when you sell us your home are appraisal requirements. If your home needs repairs or is just downright outdated, we will still buy it! If you listed with a realtor in Texas, your home would probably sit on the real estate market for several months, sometimes even longer only to sell to an investor anyway.
Instead, you can go direct – selling right to an investor that can buy your home for cash in as little as 7 days! We have the resources readily available to make the sale close quicker than you thought possible. We give you an offer and you decide if it’s acceptable for you. If it is, we get our contractors, lawyers, and title agents working right away to get the closing completed within one week.
Don’t Waste Time Listing Your Home
Why pay heft realtor commissions when you can sell your home mot us commission free? We aren’t Texas realtors. We are real estate investors that give you a hassle-free transaction. We are cash buyers that will give you an offer and get your deal closed faster than you thought possible.
We help people in all types of situations, whether you need to move fast, are about to lose your home in foreclosure, or even if it has demolition orders scheduled. You don’t have to jump through hoops or worry about affording hefty fees. We pay you cash for your home fast!